16 Quotes on how negligence affects health

“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” —Eleanor Brown

“Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.” —Audre Lorde

“You can’t really be present for the people in your life if you aren’t taking care of yourself.” —Kerry Washington

“Caring for others is important, but Covid-19 taught us that sometimes, by caring for yourself, you’re caring for others, too.” —Becca Kaye

“Some days are going to be more of a struggle than others. That is okay and you need to forgive yourself in order to keep going—and growing.” —Sara Ahmed

Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Mind. Body. Soul. These are the three things self-care is all about.” —Kathy Sledge

“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” —Carlos Castaneda

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” —Jack Kornfield

“Young people have the right to the information and skills they need to protect their health. This includes young people in state custody. We applaud this call to action and the concrete asks made by this coalition, and look forward to supporting this work however possible. ”

“The administration’s effort to define sex in strictly binary terms is not only a human rights violation, it is also a violation of the laws of nature. Human beings do not come in only two genetic, physiological, or endocrinological profiles. All human beings have a right to equal treatment under the law, and this policy denies the existence and the self-determination of over a million people in the United States.”

“Because we know that this is both moral and smart public policy.”

“We believe all people have the right to empathetic, inclusive, accessible, equitable, and comprehensive sexual health resources and feel especially compelled to advocate for those who often feel powerless when it comes to decisions made around their bodies and on their behalf, so it’s incredibly important to us that we stand with the coalition in supporting this type of advocacy!”

“Jane’s Due Process ensures legal representation for pregnant minors in Texas. We believe all young people should have bodily autonomy and be guaranteed unbiased sexual health services, even when they are detained by the federal government as in ORR care, or are receiving services through the state such as foster care.”

“Because all youth need quality, inclusive and caring sexual healthcare, sex and relationships education and other related services, marginalized youth most of all.”

“I work with adolescent boys at-risk. Most have HIV. While we focus like laser beams on early childhood education, when it comes to boys at-risk who are doing sex work, we have little to offer. Educators need to study what links there might be between early childhood programs, and programs instituted by detention facilities that deal with older teenage boys. Why? Because it’s about the cycles of recidivism; we need to connect the beginning of education with an end point that has to be about Juvenile Justice and it is NOT disconnected from Early Childhood education to develop an awareness of what works and what does not. Example: Boys who have done sex work arrive at detention with almost no knowledge of either sex or sexuality. How can this be? You have to look at who has access to information and who does not. The problems are cyclical. We need to wrap the beginning around the end to see the whole.”

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